Alex, Order Unit Manager at Pepperl+Fuchs, is in the Solution Engineering Center. Various devices and boxes can be seen behind him.

Shaping the future in a new city

A year and a half ago, Alex moved from the Pepperl+Fuchs location in Twinsburg, Ohio, to Katy, Texas. In his role as a new member of the growing Solution Engineering Centers (SECs) team, Alex, an engineer, now works in the role of Order Unit Manager. He is responsible for making sure orders are developed and executed on time. Alex talks about his move and change of jobs in the career blog.

Hi, Alex. Going from Twinsburg to Katy isn’t exactly right next door. Was it tough for you to move 2,000 kilometers away?
Alex: Yes, I had a really hard time deciding. My girlfriend, Lynn, and I had lived in Ohio our whole lives. That’s where our families are, and most of our friends. I was really happy in my previous position in Twinsburg. I had awesome colleagues, and I knew I’d miss them. And then Lynn had to find a new job in Texas.

The decision to move

Why did you decide to make the move?
Alex: I was excited about the idea of getting to know a whole new environment with a new lifestyle. Aside from that, I had never lived in a big city before. But of course it was the new position as Order Unit Manager that was the biggest draw for me. I was looking forward to the fast-paced production environment and the customer-specific solutions and I also already knew a lot of the colleagues in Katy that I would be working with. I knew my good relationships with them would make it easier to settle in in Katy. Ultimately, it was clear to me that this step would have a positive impact both on my career and on my life as a whole.

What was it like in Katy when you were first settling in?
Alex: At the start, I felt like I was on an extended vacation or business trip. Texas is really different from Ohio. Since I moved in January, I went straight from cold to warm. That was nice. And the food selection in this big, culturally diverse city is really great. The pandemic definitely made it hard to enjoy the new city and culture. But over time, we built routines and enjoyed our new living situation more and more.

The start at the new Pepperl+Fuchs location

So what was it like to start out at the new Pepperl+Fuchs location?
Alex: The pandemic meant that things started out a bit differently from how we had planned. But I was still in the office most of the time so I would be close to production and our assemblers. It’s easiest for me to keep our customers and our customer service and sales team up to date and make sure our projects are proceeding according to schedule if I’m onsite. My colleagues were super nice to me. They supported me with everything, so I got off to a very pleasant start in Katy.

Alex, Order Unit Manager, has settled into his new home. For his personal balance, he likes to be sporty.
Alex has settled into his new home. For his personal balance, he likes to be sporty.

What do you especially like about your new position?
Alex: I like acting as the link between sales, customer service, and the customer. I’m part of a wide range of different areas. For one thing, my job includes production, but I also have insight into the processes behind customer service, order entry, production planning, warehouse management, and shipping. That means I always have a lot of variety, and I can grow my knowledge every day. I see myself as the person who oils the wheels so our projects run smoothly, we ship on time, and our customers are happy with us.

What do you say now, after a year and half in Katy? Was the move the right decision?
Alex: Definitely! In the end, everything worked out just as Lynn and I had hoped. She found a new job where she’s really happy. I’ve really settled into my new position. So both of us are right at home in our new environment, professionally and personally.

Profile picture of Alex, Order Unit Manager

Order Unit Manager
Working for Pepperl+Fuchs since: June 2011
Especially important factors: fitness and schedules
Couldn’t live without: travel and relaxation
Wanted to be when he grew up: veterinarian

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