Designer Petra bouldering.

Formula of a designer: Relax after work

Petra works on many projects at the same time in her role as a designer at the Berlin site. To keep track of things, her approach is to take a good look, check, and then take one step at a time. Just like in her favorite activity, bouldering. In the career blog, she talks about her tasks at Pepperl+Fuchs and what she particularly likes about her hobby.

Hello, Petra. Are you able to multitask?
Petra (laughs): Not really. But over the years, I’ve learned how to set priorities. That’s not always easy, because there’s a deadline for everything, of course.

What exactly do you do as a designer at Pepperl+Fuchs?
Petra: Among other things, I design different versions of devices according to customer requests. But I also manage current products and their individual components, for example if there is a change of suppliers and production has to be shifted as a result. The samples end up on my desk to be checked.

What else do you do?
Petra: If a customer wants to modify a device to meet his needs, I design the desired version. The trick is to fully grasp the product without having designed it myself. There are many different inquiries and management tasks to work on, so I deal with a lot of different locations and departments, including product management, purchasing, QA, and production in Singapore or, like right now, in Hungary. It’s exciting, but it also has its drawbacks.

Petra, designer, in the office: Her work requires concentration.
Petra in the office: Her work requires concentration.

In what way?
Petra: With so many inquiries and product management tasks to work on, I am constantly weighing things against each other and prioritizing. And if necessary, I also have to switch quickly from one project to another. That takes utmost concentration. When I first started, I had a hard time unwinding in the evening as a result. By now, though, I can relax fully.

Do you have a formula for that?
Petra: In late 2014, I discovered bouldering – climbing without ropes or safety hooks. When I climb up the wall, I have to be one hundred percent centered and focused on the here and now, blocking out all other thoughts. It takes balance, calmness, and strength above all. That’s also why I’ve been doing yoga regularly for some time now as well. It gives me the calmness and mobility I need for bouldering. The nice thing about it is that you don’t need any particular gear aside from special shoes.

Completely without ropes and anchors on a climbing wall?
Petra: It’s not about height and endurance. In bouldering, you ascend a maximum of five meters above ground, and there are thick mats underneath. I’m not super athletic myself, and I would say anyone can do it. And of course anyone who wants to try out something new and stay active at an older age should give it a go. I’m not all that young anymore myself, and I’m living proof that it works (laughs).


Profile picture of Petra, designer at Pepperl+Fuchs

Designer Lifecycle & Customer Applications department
Working for Pepperl+Fuchs since 2003
53 years old

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