Carina is standing at a counter in the office of the Global Marketing department. She works as a marketing representative at Pepperl+Fuchs headquarters.

What does a marketing rep do, anyway?

Carina started her career at Pepperl+Fuchs as a student enrolled in a dual vocational training and academic study program. She now works as a marketing rep in the Global Marketing team at the company headquarters in Mannheim. We caught up with her to talk about the many facets of her job and how she likes to spend her free time.

Carina, what has your career at Pepperl+Fuchs been like so far?
I started a dual vocational training and academic study program in business administration with a focus on industry at Pepperl+Fuchs in October 2017. During that time, I was able to get to know a wide range of different departments in the company, including Global Marketing. I really liked it there right from the start, so I ended up choosing a marketing-related subject for my bachelor’s thesis. After finishing my degree, I was hired as a marketing rep. To deepen my expertise in marketing, I started a master’s program for working professionals in October.

Diverse marketing tasks

What are your tasks as a marketing rep at Pepperl+Fuchs?
I’m mainly responsible for e-mail marketing and for creating and maintaining the content on our various online marketing channels. For example, I write, create, and send out the internal Global Marketing News, which contains a full range of news related to Global Marketing, upcoming campaigns, and market launches. I also send out the global e-news four to six times a year. There are two versions of the e-news, one for industrial sensors and one for explosion protection. They include a varied mix of information about new products, solutions, application reports, and other media, such as videos and brochures. To compile them, I work in close contact with product managers and the other editors. I get the info from them, and then I write the teaser texts and send the newsletter to our internal and external subscribers.

I also support the other countries with their regional marketing mailings, which we call e-flashes. These e-flashes are newsletters on specific topics. They might introduce a new product, for example, or invite people to a trade fair. I’m responsible for sending them out. In addition, I write articles for our website and the company blog and put them online myself. In the process, I make sure to optimize the content for search engines. Last but not least, I help out with social media, which involves me doing things like writing the monthly reports for LinkedIn and Twitter.

Working day of a marketing rep

So what is your typical working day like?
I don’t actually have a typical working day per se. Like many of my colleagues probably do, I start my morning by reading my e-mails and then take a big-picture view of what needs to be done and see whether there’s anything urgent that I should address right away. In general, I like to set aside time in the mornings for writing texts if possible, since that’s when I’m most creative. Then, in the afternoon, I handle administrative tasks or prepare reports.

Creativity and affinity for technology

Carina is Marketing Rep at Pepperl+Fuchs. In this picture, she is seen hiking on a mountain. In the sunshine, she stands on a high-altitude trail surrounded by grass, with a mountain panorama in the background.
During a hike, Carina is standing on a narrow walking path
in front of a mountain scenery. As a balance to her job as
Marketing Rep at Pepperl+Fuchs, she likes to be out in nature.

What characteristics should a person definitely have for the job?
For one thing, you need excellent skills in writing about content, and you should enjoy writing texts, too, of course. It’s also good to have some affinity for technology as it makes it easier to get to know the Pepperl+Fuchs product range. We’re an international company, and I have a lot of contact with colleagues from other countries, so you should speak English fluently as well. And, on top of that, you have to be creative and have good communication skills.

What do you especially enjoy about your work?
I especially like the variety my job involves. Aside from my creative work, I also have some standard administrative tasks, which I can work my way through according to the book. It’s just a great mix. In addition, I work as part of an awesome team. Everyone gets along great, and we support each other.

What do you do when you’re not working?
I love being physically active, whether that means swimming, riding a bike, jogging, or going to the gym. It’s a great way for me to work off excess energy and tension and clear my head. I also got into hiking last year, and now I spend a lot of time in the mountains. I really enjoy getting outside into nature.

Profile picture of Carina. She is standing in front of the Pepperl+Fuchs corporate headquarters, where she works as a Marketing Rep in the Global Marketing department.

Name: Carina
Marketing Representative
Joined Pepperl+Fuchs: October 2017
What she couldn’t do without: Vacation and nice trips
What is especially important to her: Time with her loved ones and good food
Her greatest weakness: Shopping

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