Loris at his workplace at Pepperl+Fuchs. There are two screens on his desk showing various tables. There are various office supplies such as documents, calculators, etc. on his desk.

Accountant in the office, marathon runner in his spare time

Loris’ real home is in the world of numbers and times. He works as an accountant in Sulbiate, at Pepperl+Fuchs Italy, and in his free time he runs marathons. So successfully, in fact, that Pepperl+Fuchs sponsors him. In the career blog, he tells how he became a marathon runner.

How does an accountant manage to get a sponsorship?
Loris: The numbers have to be right (laughs). I mean my running times, of course. At any rate, I’m delighted that Pepperl+Fuchs recognizes my achievements in this way, and that I can be like a poster child for the company at sporting events. Quite aside from what I do for work.

What do you do at Pepperl+Fuchs?
Loris: I’m an accountant. There are four of us here in the office. I split my work with my colleague Eliana Lucente. She deals with customers with names starting with the letters A through L, and I have companies with names starting from M to Z. Among other things, I review all of the payment transactions with banks, which means all incoming and outgoing payments, including matters like payment to suppliers or taxes or transfers within the company.

The first race at the age of 13

Which brings us to our key word. How does someone become a marathon runner?
Loris: In my case, it developed over time. I started with shorter distances. I ran my first race at 13: six kilometers, no training, just for fun. And I came in third right away. It sparked a fire in me that is still burning today. I ran my first marathon in 2017. It was the Verona Marathon, which can be considered the Italian marathon championship, and I clocked in at two hours, 25 minutes, the sixth best time among Italian entrants.

Loris, accountant at Pepperl+Fuchs, at the 30 km race in Monza.
Loris at the 30 km race in Monza.

Where did you get this talent?
Loris: I think talent isn’t the main thing when it comes to success. Regular training sessions are more important. I train for at least two hours, including warmup and exercises, six times a week.

Do you still have time for other things?
Loris: Definitely. I meet up with friends in the evening. When I go on vacation, I like to go hiking with my dad, preferably in the mountains. They’re only an hour away from my hometown. But running is hugely important to me. It’s pure relaxation for me.

So things don’t easily get on your nerves?
Loris(laughs): Not exactly – the traffic on my way home does! I actually enjoy driving, but traffic jams really bug me sometimes. But luckily I can go running to blow off steam.

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Profile picture of Loris, Accountant

Working for Pepperl+Fuchs since: October 2014
27 years old