Image of twins with speech bubbles | Die Zukunft treibt mich an. Der Weg in den Beruf ist mein großes Abenteuer | Pepperl+Fuchs students

Bachelor of Engineering (m/w/d) Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Fachrichtung Elektrotechnik 2025 - ECOM


Germany - Assamstadt Dual Studies Full-time

Mit dem Dualen Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen bekommst Du ein Komplettpaket, denn hier werden betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen mit den technischen Inhalten des Studiengangs Ingenieurwesen verbunden. Als Wirtschaftsingenieur*in arbeitest Du an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technik und Wirtschaft. Du analysierst, entwickelst, produzierst und verkaufst technische Produkte, Lösungen und Innovationen. Du untersuchst technische Fragestellungen unter betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten und optimierst Arbeitsabläufe oder betriebliche Prozesse.

ECOM Instruments GmbH - ein Unternehmen der Pepperl+Fuchs Gruppe - ist Weltmarktführer für mobile Lösungen und Industriegeräte für den Einsatz in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen. Wir liefern weltweit Produkte an Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Industriezweigen, insbesondere Chemie, Pharmazie, Bergbau, Öl und Gas.

Was wir bieten

  • Hohe Übernahmequote
  • Bereitstellung von Laptops
  • Eigenverantwortliche Umsetzung von Projekten
  • Zeugnisprämien für gute Noten
  • Mitarbeiterangebote
  • Vergünstigtes Essen in der Kantine
  • Kostenlose Getränkeversorgung mit Kaffee, Tee und Wasser


Auf einen Blick

  • Voraussetzung: allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife, 1-monatiges Praktikum
  • Start Duales Studium: 1. Oktober
  • Dauer: 3 Jahre
  • Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Campus Mosbach

Interessen und Fähigkeiten

  • Großes Interesse an wirtschaftlichen und technischen Zusammenhängen
  • Hohes Engagement und gute Kontaktfähigkeit
  • Freude und Spaß am Umgang mit Technik
  • Eigeninitiative und Motivation
  • Selbständiges und teamorientiertes Arbeiten

Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt?

Dann möchten wir Dich gerne kennenlernen. Bewerbe Dich mit einem Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und den letzten beiden Zeugnissen direkt online über unser Karriereportal.

Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung!

Annette Salch | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Annette Salch

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0) 6294 4224 826

Your contact

Annette Salch

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0) 6294 4224 826



How to apply

Who we are

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Sie wollen mehr über Pepperl+Fuchs erfahren? Informationen zu unseren Produkten, Standorten sowie Fakten und Zahlen zu unserem Unternehmen finden Sie unter


Do you have any questions?
We would be pleased to assist you.
Here you find our contacts worldwide

Sina Schledorn | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Sina Scharr

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


+49 (0)621 776 2464

Your contact

Sina Scharr

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 2464

Christina Horn | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Christina Grimm

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 


+49 (0)621 776 2107

Your contact

Christina Grimm

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 2107

Ilona Ritz | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Ilona Bittner

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 


+49 (0)621 776 1738

Your contact

Ilona Bittner

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1738

Laura Kramer | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Laura Kramer

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


+49 (0)621 776 1922

Your contact

Laura Kramer

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1922

Rüdiger Uebe | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Rüdiger Uebe

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


+49 (0)621 776 1392

Your contact

Rüdiger Uebe

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1392

Patricia Goebel | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Patricia Goebel

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0)621 776 1742

Your contact

Patricia Goebel

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1742

Maximilian Hahn

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0)621 776 1467

Your contact

Maximilian Hahn

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1467

Tanja Szach | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Tanja Szach

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0)621 776 1344

Your contact

Tanja Szach

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1344

Nadja Schneider | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Nadja Schneider

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0)621 776 2341

Your contact

Nadja Schneider

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 2341

Annette Salch | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Annette Salch

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0) 6294 4224 826

Your contact

Annette Salch

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0) 6294 4224 826

Ronette Serfontein

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact

Ronette Serfontein

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +27 (0)10 430 0209

Carmen Moreno

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


+34 944 535 187

Your contact

Carmen Moreno

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +34 944 535 187

Joelyn Lin | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Joelyn Lin

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact

Joelyn Lin

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +65 6779-9091

Anthony Turner | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Anthony Turner

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 


Your contact

Anthony Turner

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +1 330-486-0052

Mascha Rosenfeldt | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Mascha Rosenfeldt

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


+49 (0)621 776 1020

Your contact

Mascha Rosenfeldt

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1020

 | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Anika Krämer

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 


+49 (0)621 776 1563

Your contact

Anika Krämer

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1563

Petra Breubeck | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Petra Breubeck

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0)621 776 1173

Your contact

Petra Breubeck

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1173

Michelle Kobel | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Michelle Kobel

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.

+49 (0)621 776 1505

Your contact

Michelle Kobel

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (0)621 776 1505

Nadine Werner | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Nadine Werner

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 

+49 (621) 776 1703

Your contact

Nadine Werner

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +49 (621) 776 1703

Mieke Kooyman | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Mieke Kooyman

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact

Mieke Kooyman

If you have any questions, please write me an <a href="<a href=""></a>">E-Mail</a>. I am happy to help. You can also contact me at :
Tel: +32 3 6418580

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Pepperl+Fuchs adheres to a policy of equal employment opportunity. All employment decisions are made without regard to religion, age, sex, color, national origin, handicap, or other protected classes and in full compliance with all federal and state laws.