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Do you have general questions about applying or are you looking for information about career opportunities within Pepperl+Fuchs? You find our contacts worldwide on the contacts page, here.

If you have specific questions about a particular job advertisment or if you like to get more information, please contact the colleague, mentioned in the job advertisement directly.

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Zeichnung einer Pepperl+Fuchs Ansprechpartnerin

Ho Thi Hieu Hanh

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Vietnam

Ho Thi Hieu Hanh

Pepperl+Fuchs Company Limited | Lot S12-16a, Street 20 Tan Thuan EPZ | Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7 | Ho Chi Minh City | Vietnam

thihho[at] +84 (028) 37 700 744


Joelyn Lin | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Joelyn Lin

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Singapore

Joelyn Lin

Pepperl+Fuchs Asia Pte Ltd | 18 Ayer Rajah Crescent P+F Building | Singapur 139942

hulin[at] +65 6779-9091


Laura Kramer | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Laura Kramer

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person for general questions | Pepperl+Fuchs Germany | Pepperl+Fuchs Germany

Laura Kramer

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Lilienthalstraße 200 | DE-68307 Mannheim | Germany

karriere[at] +49 (0)621 776 1922


Ilona Ritz | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Ilona Bittner

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 



Your contact person for general questions | Pepperl+Fuchs Germany

Ilona Bittner

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Lilienthalstraße 200 | D-68307 Mannheim | Germany

karriere[at] +49 (0)621 776 1738

Germany - Mannheim

Patricia Goebel | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Patricia Goebel

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person for training and dual education | Pepperl+Fuchs Mannheim

Patricia Goebel

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Lilienthalstraße 200 | D-68307 Mannheim | Germany

pgoebel[at] +49 (0)621 776 1742

Germany - Mannheim

Rüdiger Uebe | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Rüdiger Uebe

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person for training | Pepperl+Fuchs Mannheim

Rüdiger Uebe

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Lilienthalstraße 200 | 68307 Mannheim

ruebe[at] +49 (0)621 776 1392

Germany - Assamstadt

Annette Salch | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Annette Salch

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person at ECOM Instruments GmbH | Assamstadt

Annette Salch

ECOM Instruments GmbH | Industriestraße 2 | D-97959 Assamstadt | Germany

annette.salch[at] +49 (0) 6294 4224 826

Germany - Berlin

Ariane Handschke | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Ariane Handschke

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Berlin

Ariane Handschke

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Kitzingstrasse 25-27 | 12277 Berlin

karriere[at] +49 (0)30 616 72 201


Maximilian Hahn

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person for general questions | Pepperl+Fuchs Germany | Pepperl+Fuchs Germany

Maximilian Hahn

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Lilienthalstraße 200 | DE-68307 Mannheim | Germany

karriere[at] +49 (0)621 776 1467

Germany - Berlin

Frizzi Sadewasser | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Frizzi Sadewasser

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Berlin

Frizzi Sadewasser

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Kitzingstrasse 25-27 | D-12277 Berlin | Germany

karriere[at] +49 (0)621 776 3249


Mieke Kooyman | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Mieke Kooyman

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Belgium, France and the Netherlands

Mieke Kooyman

Pepperl+Fuchs EURL | 12, avenue des Tropiques ZA de Courtaboeuf 2 | F-91940 Les Ulis | France

mkooyman[at] +32 3 6418580


Mieke Kooyman | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Mieke Kooyman

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Belgium, France and the Netherlands

Mieke Kooyman

Pepperl+Fuchs EURL | 12, avenue des Tropiques ZA de Courtaboeuf 2 | F-91940 Les Ulis | France

mkooyman[at] +32 3 6418580


Mieke Kooyman | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Mieke Kooyman

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Belgium, France and the Netherlands

Mieke Kooyman

Pepperl+Fuchs EURL | 12, avenue des Tropiques ZA de Courtaboeuf 2 | F-91940 Les Ulis | France

mkooyman[at] +32 3 6418580


Marta Ugolini | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Marta Ugolini

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Italy

Marta Ugolini

Pepperl+Fuchs srl | Via delle Arti e Mestieri 4 | 20884 Sulbiate

mugolini[at] +39 039 6292 210


Carmen Moreno

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs S.A.

Carmen Moreno

Pepperl+Fuchs S.A. | Txorierri Etorbidea, 46 | 48150 Sondika

rrhh[at] +34 944 535 187


Jonas Aagaard Madsen | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Jonas Aagaard Madsen

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person for the division Factory Automation | Pepperl+Fuchs Denmark

Jonas Aagaard Madsen

Pepperl+Fuchs A/S | Kirkebjerg Allé 90 | 2605 Brøndby | Denmark

jmadsen[at] +45 31680568


Mats Nydelius | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Mats Nydelius

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person for the division Process Automation | Pepperl+Fuchs Denmark

Mats Nydelius

Pepperl+Fuchs AB | Bultgatan 40A | 442 40 Kungälv | Schweden

mnydelius[at] +46 303246076

Great Britain

Julie Conn | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Julie Conn

Do you have any questions? I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Great Britain

Julie Conn

Pepperl+Fuchs GB Ltd. | 77 Ripponden Road | OL1 4EL Oldham

jconn[at] +44 (161) 6226 295


Barbara Vamosi Visztne | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Barbara Vamosi Visztne

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Hungary

Barbara Vamosi Visztne

Pepperl+Fuchs Kereskedelmi Kft. | Kisto ut. 16-18 | H-8200 Veszprém | Hungary

bvisztne[at] +36 88590 120


Zsuzsanna Révész | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Zsuzsanna Révész

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Hungary

Zsuzsanna Révész

Pepperl+Fuchs Kereskedelmi Kft. | Kisto ut. 16-18 | H-8200 Veszprém | Hungary

zsrevesz[at] +36 88 545 905


Jacqueline Lim | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Jacqueline Lim

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Singapore

Jacqueline Lim

Pepperl+Fuchs Asia Pte Ltd | 18 Ayer Rajah Crescent P+F Building | Singapur 139942

pelim[at] +65 67701391


Benny Tan | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Benny Tan

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Singapore

Benny Tan

Pepperl+Fuchs Asia Pte Ltd | 18 Ayer Rajah Crescent P+F Building | Singapur 139942

khtan[at] +65 6779 9091 2195


Low Li Ping | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Low Li Ping

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Singapore

Low Li Ping

Pepperl+Fuchs Asia Pte Ltd | 18 Ayer Rajah Crescent P+F Building | Singapur 139942

llow[at] +65 6779 9091


Jane Vu | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Jane Vu

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Vietnam

Jane Vu

Pepperl+Fuchs Company Limited | Lot S12-16a, Street 20 Tan Thuan EPZ | Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7 | Ho Chi Minh City | Vietnam

thavu[at] +84 8 37700744 1248


Qi Min Qi | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Qi Min Qi

Do you have any questions?

I would be pleased to assist you.


Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs China

Qi Min Qi

Pepperl+Fuchs (Shanghai) Automation Engineering Co.Ltd | Building 3, No.269 Yuan Zhong Road | 201399 Shanghai

qiminqi[at] +86(21)3891 4906


Paul Bruno | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Paul Bruno

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Australia

Paul Bruno

Pepperl+Fuchs (Aust) Pty Ltd | 131-149 Link Drive | Campbellfield, Victoria | Melbourne, Victoria 3061 | Australia

pbruno[at] +61 3 9358 3400-3411


Dinesh KGF | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Dinesh KGF

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.


Dinesh KGF

Pepperl+Fuchs Factory Automation Pvt. Ltd. | #546/1, Sy. No. 46, 7th Main | 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Estate | Bangalore - 560 058 India

dkgf[at] +91 80 46096-101


Anand Tiwari | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Vijaydeep Sharma

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.



Vijaydeep Sharma

Pepperl+Fuchs Factory Automation Pvt. Ltd. | #546/1, Sy. No. 46, 7th Main | 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Estate | Bangalore - 560 058 India

vsharma[at] +911243894-189


Anthony Turner | Pepper+Fuchs Ansprechpartner

Anthony Turner

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs USA

Anthony Turner

Pepperl+Fuchs Inc | 1600 Enterprise Parkway | Twinsburg, OH 44087| United States of America

HRRecruiting[at] +1 330-486-0052


Gabriela Delapraz | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Gabriela Delapraz

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs Switzerland

Gabriela Delapraz

Pepperl+Fuchs AG | Längfeldweg 116 | CH-2504 Biel/Bienne | Switzerland

gdelapraz[at] +41 32 374 76 76

South Africa

Ronette Serfontein

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you.



Your contact person | Pepperl+Fuchs South Africa

Ronette Serfontein

Pepperl+Fuchs (Pty) Ltd | 8 Glen Eagle Office Park| Koorsboom Ave, Glen Marais, Kempton Park | 1619 Johannesburg

rserfontein[at] +27 (0)10 430 0209


Christina Grimm | Pepperl+Fuchs contact person

Christina Grimm

Do you have any questions?
I would be pleased to assist you. 



Your contact person for general questions | Pepperl+Fuchs Germany

Christina Grimm

Pepperl+Fuchs SE | Lilienthalstraße 200 | D-68307 Mannheim | Germany

karriere[at] +49 (0)621 776 2107

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