Category: Professionals
Transferring knowledge during coffee breaks
On the Rexel Campus, Rexel Germany’s training center, the coffee breaks have become a true IoT experience. A smart coffee machine by Pepperl+Fuchs and Neoception clearly demonstrates what is possible with sensors and intelligent IoT solutions.
What does a Product Compliance Engineer do, anyway?
André has been working in the role of Product Compliance Engineer at the Pepperl+Fuchs corporate headquarters in Mannheim since March 2021. We caught up with him to hear about how much variety there is in his job and how he prefers to relax and unwind during his free time.
What does a Global Technical Support Manager do, anyway?
Giovanni holds the position of Global Technical Support Manager at Pepperl+Fuchs in Sulbiate, Italy. As the technical point of contact for Process Automation (PA), he is responsible for providing support and advice on many technical matters concerning the division. We caught up with him to talk about what he especially likes about his job and…
A long, successful journey
It has been nearly two decades since Fabio Ikeda first embarked on his career at Pepperl+Fuchs as an intern. These days, he holds the position of Regional Sales Director PA (RSD) for South America – it’s been a long journey, but a highly successful one.
With strategy and passion
When Dênis Leonardo tackles something, he does it wholeheartedly. That is true for his work as Regional Sales Director FA (RSD) at Pepperl+Fuchs South America and for his volunteer activities, family, and music. His enthusiasm is contagious.